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Our work

Our job is to develop a whole-of-Victorian-Government record of the location and condition of identified asbestos-containing materials (ACMs) in government-owned buildings.

To achieve this, we created:

  • a consolidated register of identified ACMs in government-owned buildings
  • a risk assessment model to assess asbestos hazards
  • a schedule for the prioritised removal of asbestos from government-owned buildings.

This innovative approach will ensure that the long-term plan for the prioritised removal of asbestos from Victorian Government buildings is informed, measured, systematic and safe.

Consolidated asbestos register (AIRSystem)

The consolidated register, AIRSystem, is the foundation for our work – an aggregated register that collates and standardises all identified ACMs in government-owned buildings.


  • locates and records the condition of identified ACMs
  • allocates identified ACMs a risk rating, based on ACM condition, friability, disturbance potential, building use and public access

The consolidated register provides government with a centralised and comprehensive database to inform the plan for a large-scale asbestos removal program.

Risk assessment model

The VAEA developed a new risk assessment model which assesses key risk factors associated with identified ACMs and the building in which they are situated. In applying the model:

  • identified ACMs are assessed for friability, condition and disturbance potential
  • buildings are assessed based on use, public access, nature and frequency of access and the building type.

The evidence-based risk model will provide a robust approach to the phasing of government-wide risk-based asbestos removal.

Schedule for prioritised asbestos removal

The Victorian Government Schedule for prioritised asbestos removal will establish a coordinated, whole-of-government plan for the ongoing removal of asbestos from its buildings.

This work will enhance the safety of the Victorian community by working towards the eradication of asbestos from government buildings to reduce the risk of asbestos-related diseases.

Reporting to government

The VAEA reported to government in December 2018. The report to government included the Schedule for prioritised asbestos removal. The VAEA will report annually to the Minister for WorkSafe and the TAC on the progress of removal of identified asbestos from government-owned buildings in Victoria.
